Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Citizen Solution to the MN Budget Impasse

It is unfortunate that our elected officials have reached an impasse over the budget and not non elected bureaucrats get to decide the future of Minnesota. We as citizens need to take charge of this process - How? Citizens should host a political summit in every county. The Secretary of State's office has the infrastructure and capacity to implement these town hall meetings through their voting and election infrastructure. The major elements of the budget proposals of the legislature should be summarized. Governor Pawlenty's proposals should be summarized. Citizens could vote on three options:
  • Accept the legislative proposals
  • Accept the Governor's proposals
  • Ask both the Governor and the Legislature to reach a compromise
Elected officials should follow the citizens recommendations. If they do not they have lost the popular mandate and should resign. I cannot believe that we in Minnesota are presented with a "default" option to resolve the serious issues of the future of Minnesota - especially in a time when so many Minnesotans are hurting because of the economy. If you agree with the above write your comment below and we will work to implement this vision.

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