Sunday, June 24, 2012

Transformation of University Avenue by Immigrant Entrepreneurs

The new report updates the 2005 study to bring a thirty year perspective on the six block stretch of University Avenue in Saint Paul.

,,the avenue continues to be an incubator for immigrant entrepreneurship. The area is becoming increasingly multi-ethnic with a growing presence of African immigrant and African American entrepreneurs. There is also a constant churning in the sectors these businesses operate. These entrepreneurs start businesses to take advantage of economic trends which also make their survival tied to these same trends – for example the housing boom and bust. We noted in many entrepreneurs a sense of pessimism as a declining economy has hurt their bottom line and considerable anxiety over light rail construction.  This was a sharp contrast to our report in 2005 where we found a greater optimism on the avenue, reflected in business expansion and diversification beyond the avenue. 

The report was profiled in a story in the Pioneer Press

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

New Website on Ethnic Capital

Visit the new website - The Dynamic Potential of Ethnic Capital where you will find the latest data on the economic and other contributions of immigrants and minorities in the USA and Minnesota.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Minority Babies Now Majority

Fox 9 News on Minority Trends

At the link you will find a Fox 9 story on the latest news that minority babies are now the majority....a "back to the future" moment for me. We have to look at these new Americans as America's future - what we invest in them will determine America's role in the future global economy. Do we want them to be the best skilled, most innovative and creative talent pool? Do we want them to live in a world free of racial and other barriers to personal progress? The choice is ours!

Sunday, March 04, 2012

ALANA Capital

In this feature of The Line read about the concept of ALANA Capital - a new way to look at the dynamic potential of ALANA (African Latino Asian and Native American) communities in Minnesota.